
Friday, July 27, 2012

Baby Oil as a Fixture Shiner

So what do you remember most about baby oil?? Using it as a way to get more tan?  That is sure what we used it for and boy do I remember how oily we would be and having to take a shower to get all of the oil off and sometimes it took a few tries to get the feeling of oil completely gone.  Remembering that should have been a premonition about this idea.  If not anything else baby oil is, well just that, OILY.  So I am not sure why I thought this might work as a shining agent.  Lets just say that all it did is make things very oily and slippery and did not leave things much shiner.  Once the baby oil was on you have to take water or a cleaner and wipe it off several times before you could get your fixtures back to normal.  A big time mess with this one!


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