
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Homemade Febreze

I have to say I am excited to test all of my pins but I was very excited to see if this one really worked or not.  Febreze can be spendy and I do not always like the smells they have.  This is such a great idea and  I tested it at the perfect time.  We woke up with someone having peed the bed the night before so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to giving this a try.  I put it together, it was really, really fast and easy and then I sprayed it all over the mattress.  It smelled so good and I have to say a week later I can still smell it when I walk into the kids bedroom.  This worked like a charm and I love that you can pick whatever smell of laundry softener to make your own smell.  I also like that you can buy softener at the dollar store to make it even cheaper.  One little 1/8 of a cup made a whole bottle and I still have a huge bottle of softener, this will last me forever.

*****- effectiveness
Original pin can be found here:

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