
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Painters Tape to Caulk Lines

 This came at the perfect time. I had noticed that there were beginning to be cracks in our caulk in our bathtub.  I only did a portion with tape and a portion without tape so you could see the difference.  If you look close at the second picture below you can see that once I wiped the caulk it got all over the tub surround and I had to wipe it again but when I wiped it where the tape was it just went right on the tape and then all I had to do was pull the tape off and I had a perfect line.  It was cheap, easy and took me about 5 minutes.  I also used one more tip from the main post and that was to cut my caulk tube at an angle instead of straight on the line like the bottle suggests and that made it so much easier to get the job done.  I will never do this again without putting tape down first, what a great idea.

*****- time
*****- cost
*****- effectiveness
*****- pratical

Original post can be found here,,20303977_20669132,00.html

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