
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sugar Scrub for Shaving

I made a lot of this scrub for Christmas this year and I have to say I was not to thrilled with it.  It does make your hands/legs soft but only for a few hours and then they are back to normal. It is really messy also. I have to say I live in a very dry climate so we get really dry and this still did not do the trick of getting rid of the dryness.  Using it for shaving is a mess!  First you have to stir it each time before you use it, I do not really like keeping a spoon in the shower. Then it makes a huge mess in the shower/tub when you use it.  In the end it does not make your legs that much softer than anything else would.  My preference and something that I really like to use is my conditioner.  You do not have to use much because a little goes a long way and it makes your legs/arm pits soft afterwards and easy to shave while in the shower.  It by far is my favorite remedy I have found and you do  not have to buy anything else and it is cost effective because you already have it.


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