
Monday, July 28, 2014

Covering your shelves in your fridge

I was so lucky when I found this pin that I had this exact contact paper and I was so excited.  Look how cute that fridge looks.  It just makes you happy every time you open the fridge door.  This was pretty easy to do, I just took my shelves out and measured the contact paper.  The great thing is that contact paper has measurement lines on the back so it makes it easy to cut.  I got my contact paper at a store called NPS in Salt Lake City for about 5 bucks for two rolls but you can get two rolls on Amazon for around 10 dollars. The thing I like most about it is that I can just wipe my shelves down, no more pulling them all out and washing them down when they are dirty, I can just swipe them clean.  And it looks so cute.  I love it.  Yet another reason I love Pinterest, peoples genius ideas.


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